Diligent Life


Chapter 1: The Day we got the Letter

        Our story starts in a small village in the Land of Surprises, Ritchi Village. This village was one of the most popular destinations in the land because of the great mountains and the lovely cold environment. The mountains were so tall that they seemed to touch the sky, and the snow on their peaks sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight. The village itself was nestled in a valley between the mountains, and it was surrounded by lush forests and crystal-clear lakes. The people of Ritchi Village were a hardy and independent lot. They lived off the land, growing their food and raising their livestock. They were also skilled craftsmen, and they made beautiful clothes, jewelry, and furniture from the materials they found in the forest. Ritchi Village was a peaceful and prosperous place, but it was also a land of surprises. Every day, the villagers would come across something new and unexpected. One day, they might find a lost treasure chest buried in the forest. Another day, they might meet a talking animal or a magical creature. The villagers never knew what to expect, and that was part of what made Ritchi Village such a special place. 


 Ritchi Village


        The day started nice and sunny with the Sun shining and the calm wind blowing. The birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. It was a perfect day to be outside, but the best part about this day was that it was a Friday and not just any Friday; it marked the last day of school for the next three months!
The last days of school are always fun, you play games, go out in the park, and best of all when school ends there is a party at 5 P.M! Although it is hosted by the school the three organizers of this party are three children who go by the names Naffy, Luxm, and Sham. Naffy being the oldest of them all and Sham the youngest.

        The most interesting thing about these boys was their clothes: Naffy always wore a red shirt and blue pants with a yellow ribbon wrapped around his waist. His hair was dark black, his eyes were blue, and he had a stitch under his right eye. But the thing that stood out the most was his hat. It was a yellowish-brown hat made out of straw with a leaf sticking to it.
        Sham had purple hair and black eyes. He was not picky about clothes, but just like his elder brother, he had his favorite type of gear: purple gloves, and he wore these gloves anywhere he went, regardless of how sweaty his palms were. 

        Luxm had dark black eyes and black hair, and he always wore yellow with a black coat, which was his repetitive habit, just like his brothers.

        The boys’ unique fashion sense set them apart from the other kids at the party. Naffy’s bright red shirt and blue pants, Sham’s purple hair and gloves, and Luxm’s yellow and black outfit made them stand out from the crowd.

        As the clock struck 5 pm, the kids gathered around the clock tower to start the party. The boys’ distinctive clothing styles made them even more noticeable, and they quickly became the center of attention.

        The place was decorated with balloons and streamers of all colors. The table was covered with delicious food, including a variety of meats, cheeses, fruits, and vegetables. There were several cakes and pies, which were sure to please the sweet tooth of any guest. The smell of the food was mouth-watering, and the students couldn’t wait to dig in.
        “Woah, so much food!” Joey exclaimed. “Sandwiches, chocolates, sweets, cookies, juice, and burgers–so yummy!” The day went by as kids played games, talked, and ate food.
        “Come on guys let’s head out now, it’s getting late,” Naffy said to his brothers as they all left the park and headed home.
        “That was an amazing party!” Luxm said as he opened the door.
        “Yeah, bro,” Sham and Naffy agreed. They lay down on the sofa and started watching TV, and as soon as their favorite show came on the power went off, and it was pitch black. Minutes passed by but it was still dark.
        “Lemme go check the circuit breaker at the back of the hou-,” Naffy says as Sham interrupts him.

        “NO! Please don’t go, it is scary, and, and, just don’t go,” Sham says, starting to sniffle.
        “Fine, I won’t go!” Naffy said as a huge thunder boomed across the area, and suddenly it started raining furiously. The raindrops pelted down like bullets, and the wind howled like a banshee. The three could barely see anything from the window.
        “Uhh, bro, what was th-?” Luxm said
        “Go downstairs, NOW,” Naffy orders his brothers as he starts lifting furniture to the windows and doors. 
        “I am scared.” Sham whimpers as he and Luxm hide safely downstairs.
        “It’s okay, Lil bro,” Luxm said, giving Sham a big hug; “Let’s just wait for Naffy to come here and everything will be fine,”  Sham nods his head as he hugs Luxm like a teddy bear.
        “Let’s go check upstairs if Naffy is done we haven’t heard anything from him yet,” Sham says as the two slowly climb upstairs.
        “Okay, open the door VERY slowly so we don’t startle him,” Luxm says as Sham nods his head.
        “So, what is next breaking the rule not to come outside till I told you,” Naffy says as Sham and Luxm slowly turn their head around to see Naffy sitting downstairs drinking a glass of water.
        “Uhm…” Luxm and Sham were at a loss for words and didn’t know what to say.
        “How about saying ‘Sorry Naffy, we won’t do it again,’ ” Naffy says, imitating Luxm.
        “Sorry Naffy, we won’t do it again,” Luxm and Sham say in unison.
        “Apart from your beautiful apology, I did find this letter on the doorstep,” Naffy shows everyone the envelope.

        “Ooh, this envelope is fancy. It is made of brown parchment and sealed with red wax,” Sham says, handing it back to Naffy who opened it extremely slowly. When opened he started reading the content out loud
        “Hello, Naffy, Luxm, and Sham.

         This letter is to inform you that you are granted special powers. Naffy, you have been given the best of them all. (Naffy smiled.) You have been given the ability of rubber and can turn into the Ennéa-tailed dragon. (Luxm and Sham cheer for Naffy.) Luxm, you have been granted the ability to control dark and light. (Luxm started jumping around like a dog that had just seen its favorite meal.) And Sham, you have been granted the ability to convert anything into stone and gold. (Sham started running around the apartment with so much happiness that everyone could hear him yelling.)  To learn more about them go to the top of the mountains and find Sensei Bokuchwan, he will teach you how to utilize your powers. He lives in a tall tower that has a fire symbol on top. I can’t say anything more. Until next time, goodbye.

        Your friend Moheta

        “Well, that’s the letter, I guess,” Naffy said. 
        “I am excited!” Sham and Luxm said in exhilaration.
        “Okay, guys, we should sleep now because we have a big day ahead of us,” Naffy said to his brothers even though he knew that they wouldn’t sleep for a pretty long time.
        “I use light to blind you!” Luxm says imitating the move.
        “I block the light from my stone wall,” Sham says also imitating doing the move.
        This went on for another 5 minutes before the two tired themselves and headed to bed.
        “Looks like I was wrong,” Naffy says to himself closing his eyes knowing that tomorrow was going to be a day full of adventures.

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