Diligent Life


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Finding unimaginary things at the grocery store! (Fictional Story)

Dazville 9th July
10:30 PM


Today I went to the store with my friends and we had a really important mission to complete, we had to find an imaginary thing! As we entered the cashier greeted us, we said hello and went further into the store. We were walking aisle after aisle trying to find something new but all we found were chips and cookies (normal things) Just right then in its shining light, we saw something which made our jaws drop to the ground, our heart skipped a beat and it was… “HERSHEY’S FLAVORED BUBBLE GUM!!!” We took every single one till the rack was empty but we were still not done, we needed to find more. As we kept walking around the store we found another thing which was even cooler it was..”EDIBLE BAND-AID: “Savior of the stomach and body!” AND THIS CAME IN DIFFERENT FLAVORS TOO!! As we hoarded all the band-aids our stomachs were roaring in hunger and we thought that this was the end of our scavenger hunt. As we reached the cashier his eyes popped out of his skull as he saw the mountains of gum and band-aids we had. As my friends were at the checkout counter waiting for him to check out all our stuff I noticed something out of the corner of my eyes, it was a shirt with a man saying “I’m the battery man!” And that was not the only weird thing, he also had socks on his hands and battery as his feet. I bought 4 for all of us to wear and took it to the check out corner. As I came my friends were carrying the bags to our car and once that was done we went back home and tried the gum and the band aids (BTW: This total cost was $1200) A pretty successful day to me. 

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