Diligent Life


Detective Story!


Sunday top secret diary 


Today I woke up and heard someone cheering. When I looked out it was a boy. If you don’t know me, my name is Robert and I am a 7th grader and a detective. That’s what I think, my parents tell me that I am not a detective. But I think I am. I heard the boy say that he was cheering for winning a race, so I went down and asked “why are you cheering for just winning a running race?” He said “just a race!!” I defeated the fastest runner in the colony. In shock, I said that you are joking, no one can defeat Joe, then he said “ask joe himself”. I went to Joe’s house and asked him about it and then he said yes. I was shocked. I asked him how he did it, but he didn’t tell me.




Today in school everyone was cheering for the boy defeating Joe. I asked him what his name was. He told me his name was Samuel. Then the bell rang and it was time to go to math class. After math class, we went to science class. Then, we went for breakfast and everyone was talking about Samuel. No one talked to joe. I felt sad for him, so I went and talked to him. After breakfast, we went to history class. After history class, we went to social studies class. After my favorite period recess, we went to French class, and then we went to lunch. At lunch I went to sit with my friends. But because they get their breakfast from home, I cannot sit with them. After lunch, we had our last period of English. We hopped on our bus and were about to go home. I was pretty excited as we were going to my aunt and uncle’s house. The favorite thing I like about their house is that they have this huge bungalow which has a farm and a pool. The two things I like the most are the family sword which has been there for years with us. My uncle told me that when I grow up I will own this house, and I am pretty happy about it. The second thing I like are the horses on their farm. They have five horses and I love the fifth one because it is soft and beautiful, also it is the fastest and the best part is that it loves me. This time when I visited their home it was not like before, clean and neat, and the farm was also very messy, it was not clean and my uncle and aunty were sad. We asked them what had happened? Then, aunty Lisa told me that the sword was stolen. Uncle Tony said that someone pushed all the furniture when they were going. I asked what had happened? because this was the time that I could show my detective skills. I asked them when they saw the sword. They said last week. After a lot of questions, I had 4 suspects 


Farmer Larry 

Driver Rome

Butcher Dore 

Plumber mason 


So, we went to farmer Larry and asked him where he was yesterday. So he told us that he was getting some hay from the shop because there was no hay. Uncle Tony said that is true. Farmer Larry said he was going to the shop to get some hay. Next, we went to Rome. We asked him the same question, he said that he had taken a holiday yesterday. Uncle Tony said that was true. Then we went to Plumber Mason and asked what he did yesterday, he said that he came in the morning and went away. Then uncle Tony said that he did not know about that. Then he got a call, so he told me that he had to go. I said ok. Then we had the last suspect butcher dore. We asked him where he was yesterday, and he said that he was making food and then he went to his home. Aunty Lisa told us that she didn’t know because when he made the food they were sleeping. After listening, I thought that it was plumber mason because he had money problems.  Maybe he took the sword and he sold it, so that he could get some money. When I told everyone about this, they told me that plumber mason would not do this, instead he would ask for money. They said that it should be butcher dore because he can do stuff like that as he just started working a few weeks ago. But I thought It was plumber mason. So I still was on that case getting information on butcher dore and plumber mason. I went to plumber mason normally and asked him “what would he do if he found a phone that cost millions of dollars? Would you give it to your best friend or sell it? Then he paused for a second and said that he would’ve given it to his friend. Then I went away. I asked butcher the same question but he said the complete opposite and said that he would’ve sold it. I was shocked but very happy. I said it was  PLUMBER MASON. My family was shocked and they asked “how did I say it was plumber mason.” Then I told them the question and what their answers were. After hearing that, they said it should be butcher dore, but I told them that plumber mason said the answer was to refrain  from getting caught and we would have thought it was butcher dore. After they heard that, they said yes and we went to plumber mason. He told that he was sorry before we started talking to him. He also gave us the sword back but aunt Lisa was not happy that he stole it. So she asked why he stole it. He said that his family was in serious trouble and he wouldn’t get his salary till next month, so he had to steal it. Then aunt Lisa said that he could’ve asked for a loan from her. He said that he forgot about it and said that he was sorry. They said it was okay, and then everyone was praising me for solving the case and my mother and father were also happy.




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