Diligent Life


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What would happen if a monkey arrives to school?

I was sitting in Math class staring at the teacher’s math equations when I heard a oo-oo-ee-ahh-ah. I looked at the window and a brown monkey was sitting there and eating a ripe banana. I burst out laughing cause the monkey looked really funny. The teacher was staring at me but I just pointed at the monkey and then the whole class started laughing. I walked up to the monkey and then just dabbed him up. And he just followed me at the thing I was doing. But right when I was about to go back to my seat he jumped on my shoulder and with his little black olive-like eyes he stared at me. I just gave him a head pat and let him sit on my shoulder for the rest of the class. While I was studying I guess he was studying too because he was looking at the board with a lot of concentration. I gave him a pencil and paper and he started writing some stuff. With a bright smile on my face I gave him a little cookie from my backpack and he munched on it while doing the work. Once class was over me and he went to the lunch hall, I gave him 2 bananas and got some rice for myself. Once we were done we went to the next class. But the teacher questioned why I had the monkey. I explained the whole thing and she allowed me to have the monkey in class. The same thing happened for all the classes till school ended. When I reached home my parents were staring at me in complete confusion. After what it felt like hours they asked why I had a monkey on the shoulder. I told them the whole thing and begged them so I could keep him. I guess the monkey understood because he also started pleading. My parents started laughing and said I can keep it. With joy in me. I took him to my room and made a full apartment for him which he could stay in… And we became lifetime buddies 😀

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